McKnight Homeowners Association, Inc.

Est. 1982

Established by the McKnight Neighborhood Council, Inc., the McKnight Homeowners Association, Inc. has provided for many improvement projects

A Record of Past Progress and Challenges

Beginning with its formation in 1982 the McKnight Homeowners Association, as a covenanted community association, worked to assist McKnight residents and property owners to improve the McKnight Neighborhood, both through improvement of their individual properties and through communal action on behalf of residents in general. Examples of the former have included the renovation of the property at 411-417 St. James Avenue, shown above, formerly a serious eyesore, into a functional multi-use building. Examples of community-oriented projects include providing appropriate design for the HABITAT house at 327-9 St. James and at 10 Monmouth, as well as the installation of the first “Entering McKnight” signs through the Association’s common areas fund.

Later, initially at the request of the McKnight Council, the Association worked on affordable housing issues, and initial success in this area resulted in unfortunate retaliation. New ways of addressing these goals are now being considered, including both political and legal approaches.